Hello, I’m Gustav! My team is happy to prepare an individual quote for you. Please let us know a few details about yourself and the risk:

Who are you?

Please fill in all fields.

What is the name and location of the assured?

Please fill in all fields.

What coverage are you looking for?

Please answer some questions for us.

Download this questionnaire, fill it in and attach it again in the next field.

Download PDF

Attach the filled in questionnaire here.

What exactly is the subject matter insured?



Do you request coverage for:

Which is the region:



Coverage from:

Coverage to:

Means of conveyance utilized:

What would you like to cover:

Additional 10 % included ?


You’re almost done -
Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Attach the filled in questionnaire here.

Or do you want to upload any documents?


What is your E-Mail Address?